Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy New Year Of Islam 1430 Hijriah

All praises be to Allah. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, no partner with him. I also bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. May peace be always on Him.

People often celebrate a new year. Muslims have their own year to be used as direction in religion-related life. In this case the Muslims have the year of Hijriah. The year of Hijriah is used by Muslims since the authority of Khalifah Umar bin Khatab. The Khalifah often called 'Amirul Mukminin' instructed the use of the year of Hijriah as the strating point of the time-countin all muslims regions. Since then, the year of Hijriah was widely used as the guidance to arrange the calendar of the Muslims' activities as well as the history of Islam.

The year of Hijriah has close relationship with the event of Hijrah by the Messenger of Allah and His companions. hijrah means the emigration of the Messenger of Allah and His companions from the city of Makkah to Madinah. In the new city, Madinah, the Prophet Muhammad and His companions built mulim community and country. Madinah, then, became the center of propagation of Islam. From this city the light of Islam brightened the world. Of course there were many sacrifices during hijra, but all were aimed at preserving their Islam believe. The muslims at that time believed that the event of hijrah had significant role in the development of Islam. Therefore, the companions of the Prophet decided the year of hijrah as the name of the year od Islam. By the name, it was expected that the next generation of the Muslims always remember the importance of hijrah and take worthlesson from this event.

On this occasion, I would like to remind myself and you on one important thing. If others celebrate their new years with a big indulgence and pleasure, we celebrate our new year with love, endearment, and brotherhood spirit. What we do should be in conformity with what had been done by the Prophet and His companions when they arrived in Madinah.

Have a happy islamic new year 1430 H. Forgive me if I have mistakes.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Writing is not easy. Who says that?
Many people say that writing is not easy. And I do agree with them. Although there are many materials in our mind, but it is very difficult to write it. We cannot use our mind freely. We try to write down what we have in our mind but the result is quite difficult to understand.

We often write one or two sentences, then we read what we have written. We feel that it is not good enough. Then we correct it. It can happen many times when are not mood in writing.

I write this 'Blank' because there is no mood to write down. I feel stuck, no ideas to write. I force myself to write. I don't want to be lazy. If I let my laziness bring me to be lazier and lazier, waaaah! I will become a lazy people. "Get Your spirit" my soul says. Yes!, then I write it, the Blank.
By writing this blank I want to arouse my spirit. I do not want to be dull.

Ohh I remember, today is the twenty forth of December. And tomorrow will twenty fifth. In the twenty fifth of December the Christian people celebrate the X-mast Day. So, in this occasion I would like to say "Have a nice and happy X-mast day for those who celebrate it"

Forgive me if there is a mistake

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Victim of Futsal

This game is becoming more and more popular today. We can find people play futsal everywhere.  Students like playing it or at least they like watching it.

This week, there was a futsal competition. Our futsal team had been invited to join in the competition. The students responsed it. They liked it very much. The students who responsed it not only the team but also the supporters.

Talking about supporters, it was very annoying. Why? The supporters were students who should stay and study in the class. However, they were, a few students, absent. They did not attend the lessons.They wanted to support the futsal team, but they left the class without having got any permission. They just left the class. I did not know how  they could leave the school without any permission.

Yesterday, one of the teachers informed me that there were few students who were absent. She asked the left students where they were. The students answered that they watched futsal without any permission. They became the victim of futsal competition.

This morning, I asked the students who wacthed futsal, absent, to come to the front. They were Hand, Ish, AchFz,Bgs, ArsBd. I asked them to stop the bad habit. I also advised them to study harder since they will have a semester test by next January 2009. Moreover, on April 2009 the students will have a final test.

By having such kind of experience, I hope that the students can manage their time as well as possible. The will always  study not only at school but also at home.

The sacrifice of time and energy got  good result the futsal team  became the third winner. Congratulation!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A New Comer

To enhance my knowledge and to develop my ability in English and to share what I have, I decided to have my own blog. I confess that my English is not good enough to be a blogger, but I know this is one of the way to improve it.

This morning, I tried to create my own blog. I tried myself. I give this first posting with the title 'a new comer' because I am a new comer in the world of blogging.     

As a new comer, I confess that my blog is not perfect yet. There are so many difficulties in managing this blog. I still confuse with this blog. How to manage the page, blogroll etc.

By having such kinds of confusing things, I am sure, it is a kind of challenge.
I have to be able to solve the problem and I hope the readers and friends or the others who have experiences in blogging will help me.

At last, have a nice journey by blogging and forgive me if there is any mistake in my blog.