As human beings, we have different situation and feelings, sometimes happy but on the other days we might feel in bad mood. We have to motivate ourselves. Below are some tips to make up our happines.
1. All is well; there is nothing to fear.
I know this may come as a shock to you, but everything's OK. Having said that, no one is perfect. But it's worth reminding yourself that you've managed to come through everything that's ever happened in your life.
You're the spearhead of evolution. Some people worry about death, but it's perfectly safe; organisms of one sort or another have been doing it for billions of years :-)
Fears, worries and anxieties only come when a person imagines unpleasant things in the past or the future. When you allow yourself to get into the present, then suddenly you realise that all is well; there is nothing to fear.
2.You are more than you think you are
You are more than you think you are. There's an old saying, "The map is not the territory". A map of New York is not the city of New York , doesn't contain all the sounds, sights and smells that the city does (thank goodness!). The city is far bigger, richer and more vibrant than could ever be conveyed by a map.
A person's map of who they are (their self-concept) is not who they really are. You are far more powerful, capable and amazing than your map of yourself.
Just stop for a moment, and think about who you are, what your qualities are, your weaknesses and strengths. Then realise that there is more to you than you are aware of. You are more than you think you are.
3. People like what's familiar
People like what's familiar; after all, what you did yesterday worked well enough to keep you alive until today. This is a big success as far as evolution is concerned, so we are naturally inclined to use old habits of behaviour and thought.
When you've been doing something new for a while (whether it's going to the gym, tidying your desk or changing your thinking) its typically smooth sailing until you start to change. Then your nervous system sets off the alarm bells, and you start to feel like you can't be bothered to do it anymore.
This is the signal that it's working. When you feel that 'can't be bothered' feeling, pat yourself on the back. What you're doing is working, and you've got evidence. Then do it. People like what's familiar.
4. Today is practice for tomorrow
Today is practice for tomorrow. People like what's familiar, remember? Whatever you're doing today is becoming more familiar, so if you want to go somewhere new in your life, you need to start getting familiar with that.
Is what you're practicing today about where you've been, or where you want to be? Practice feeling how you'll feel and doing what you'll do when you get where you're going. Today is practice for tomorrow
5. Willingness is the key.
While today is practice for tomorrow, sometimes habits and beliefs can have a powerful hold, and it can seem like they'll never go.
Willingness is the key. Are you willing to have what you desire? Are you willing to let go of your old way of doing or thinking? Some people ask "Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want?" It's not that you end up having to do whatever it takes, but rather the quality of willingness that unlocks the door.
If you really like adventures, here's an interesting affirmation to try on for size: "I am willing that my present and future be totally unlike my past." Willingness is the key.
Hopefully, they can help us motivate ourselves. Thanks to Mr. Jimmy who gave the inspiration to this posting.