All praises be to Allah, the God who chose Muhammad as the chosen prophet from the Adam's descendant. He sent Muhammad to give good news and warning to all mankind. He is the lamp that brightens the ways.
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I also bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger. May Allah bless our`leader Muhammad along with his companions and his followers until the end of the world.
Actually, we now live in great month, namely the month of Robi'ul Awal. This month is the birth month of the noblest man namely our prophet Muhammad SAW. He is the perfect soul, manner and brain. the presence of him with all his excellence is aimed to be the greatest for all mankind.
Therefore, our oblgatory during this month is making the month of Robi'ul Awal as the month of celebration to commemorate the birth of the noblest man. By commemorating the birth of the noblest prophet, the muslim will be able to get worthly lesson from the life history of prophet Muhammad and His companions.
By celebrating the birthday of prophet Muhammad with deep thinking and contemplation hence the commemoration will awaken the heart of the Muslim to get back to the guidance of the Messenger Muhammad SAW.