Several days ago, I accompanied my children watching TV. It's about Upin and Ipin. It showed a fable; the animal story but we can get the moral value from the story. Here is the story :
A Tortoise was walking very slowly when he met a rabbit. He greeted the rabbit, "Good morning, Mr. Rabbit. How are you?"
The rabbit did not answer but laughed at the tortoise and said, "I can't help laughing at you, Mr. Tortoise. You are so slow."
Hearing it, the tortoise became angry, but he pretended to be calm. Then he said,"Why don't you stop teasing me and make fun of me?.
"Wha ha ha ha .. if you are not slow. Let's have a race and see which of us can reach the tallest tree on that hill. It's a very long way off. But it will prove which of us can run faster."
"Okay.. deal" replied the tortoise. "Let's begin the race right away!"
As the race began, Of course, the tortoise left behind by the rabbit. The rabbit looked behind and he could not see the tortoise. Tha rabbit decided to take a rest. "I think it's better for me to take a rest for a while here. I felt so hot, running so fast. The tortoise need a very long long time to get here. What a fool is Mr. Tortoise to have a race with me, the fastest creature!"
The rabbit laid down to take a rest and soon fell asleep. He slept soundly. He did not hear the tortoise passing quietly.
The rabbit at last woke up. He looked up towards the hill. He saw the tortoise far off very small. He knew the tortoise almost get the tree.
The rabbit murmured,"Mr. Tortoise can be only a few meters from the tree by now. I must hurry. I don't want to loose. I am the fastest. Go... go... goooo!!!"
The rabbit started to jump and run as fast as he could go. He got closer and closer to the tree. He ran with all his strength. He shouted, "I am comiii........iiing!!!"
Unfortunately, at that moment the tortoise reached the tree first. He was the first to arrive the tree. So he was the winner of the race. The rabbit was late ... only in a few seconds!
We got the morals of the story:
1. Do not laugh at anyone who seems inferior.
2. If we want to get something, work on and on, slowly but surely.
Puisi: Kebenaran itu Indah
4 days ago