Time does not really exist, it's just an idea. The past is an idea which iscalled a memory and the future is an idea too which is called a plan or a fantasy. The present or now is all that exists, yeah, because that's where we are at present or now.
Stop for a minute and allow oourselves to get in touch with this moment. Whenever we have accomplished anything worthwhile, it's been in the present. All our moments of tremendous insight have also taken place in the present. As we think of all the experiences of great pleasure we have ve had in our life, when they happened, it was now. This is why today is practice for tomorrow - because our neurology always thinks it's now!
So what 'now' are you getting more familiar with? What now are you practicing. By the way, most of fears have relation to either the past or the future. As the past and future do not exist, we can relax; there's nothing to fear. There is only now.
Have a nice and wonderful day.
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